Craniosacral Therapy



How can Visionary Craniosacral Work help YOU?

Visionary Craniosacral Work is a combination of sensitive manual bodywork and the perception of inner eye and inner ear.  It is listening carefully and seeing behind the obvious to the origin of the issue.

Because Craniosacral Work  uses a very light touch of only 5 grams, the weight of a nickle, the protective mechanisms of the muscles and fascia are not activated.  The body reveals restrictions in the energy, fascia, membranes and fluid flow of the craniosacral system and anywhere in the body.   It is appropriate for newborns through the end of life, for humans and pets.

Structural, energetic and manual techniques are used to remove the imbalances and restrictions which allows the body to self-correct and move toward optimal health.

Craniosacral has proven beneficial for:

  • Headaches – tension and migraine
  • TMJ dysfunction
  • Dental trauma, braces
  • Whiplash, neck pain
  • Sciatica, Scoliosis
  • Trauma to the brain and spinal cord,
  • Chronic back pain
  • Nervous system disorders
  • Birth trauma
  • Autism, Dyslexia, ADHD
  • Ear infections in children and adults, colic
  • Vertigo
  • Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue
  • Rebalancing after a physical or emotional trauma or grief process

Process Work (part of craniosacral) healing includes:

  • Identify and transmute restrictive or destructive patterns.
  • Resolve inner conflict
  • Connect with inner Wisdom, Guides
  • Identify your active archetypes
  • Create inner cooperation with aspects of your persona
  • Discover your soul’s purpose
  • Align with the higher will for your life